April 2019


At the Law Faculty of the University of Zenica, from April 6 to 7, 2019 NIRA leaders professional development training was held, with attended 20 students from different faculties First day of the training was run by coach Elmida Sarić and second day by coach Džejna Bajramović.
The trainer Elmida Sarić taught the students the logical frame, the matrix needed for writing the project, she spoke of the biggest "difficulty" in a process of writing projects, she was explaining what PCM was, she led the workshop of the vertical and horizontal logic, the objectively verifiable indicators, the verification source. The focus of the working weekend was to explain basic concepts, ideas, documentation, strategies, formulation, finances, contracts, implementation, reporting, evaluation, monitoring process and goal types.

Students were trained in problem tree and intervention logic. This training will help students in all future projects they are going to deal with.
Second day the trainer Džejna Bajramović explained to the students a self-relevant letter of accompaniment, brainstorming to life and specific goals. The coach led the workshops to reveal the motivational goals, the network of priorities for 10 items, the circle of integrity, the typology of people in dealing with the conflicts, s.m.a.r.t. setting goals, writing an appeal  to the employer. Trainer and students participated in interactive dialogue, workshops and exchange of knowledge and experiences. Students are the most grateful to trainer who spoke about the challenges of the labor market on their insistence.